Monday, July 8, 2013

Red Shoes

Have you ever bought something on impulse and been very disappointed?  Sure you have!  Me too.  But I was pleasantly surprised when I gravitated to these red Alegria shoes.  Maybe it was the butterfly on the side that drew me in.  I do have a deep affinity for them, but I think it was the shinny red color that clinched the deal.  What has been a pleasant surprise is that these shoes are one of the most comfortable I have ever owned.  The shoes I went into the store to buy, have turned out the be the worse fit ever. So what lessons have I gleamed from my red shoe purchase?
They seemed so impractical and frivolous.  But as I headed into retirement so did the Pope and he gave up his red shoes, I did not.  It was a delightful illustration of my retirement was not the end of my discipleship.
I am not much of a shopper.  I have accepted that I am missing a female gene that makes shopping/fashion/decorating a joy.  But every so often it is worth the hassle to get out of my comfort zone and try something new.  I may be rewarded with a great find.  I may meet an old friend and have time to share.  Or I may come home exhausted and frustrated.  Isn't that true about most of life?  Taking a risk can lead to defeat or great success, the wisdom is that in spite of failure, we need to be willing to take risks.   What risks are you avoiding?  What tried and true paths have you worn ruts in?   As Albert Einstein is credited  with saying: "A ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for.” (link for quote)
Take at least one risk today.  To help someone who you are sure can never repay you.  Forgive without being asked.  Study a subject in which you are not already knowledgeable. Be impractical!  Then take delight in the surprises that await you.  Be a blessings.  Linda

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