Monday, March 10, 2014

Carrying our Cross


As a pastor I have been given many different crosses through the years of ministry.  This is just a small selection of them.  Some were handcrafted by friends others traveled from faraway places to touch my life and work.  I think I have only purchased the cross from San Salvador.  I can still read the artist’s name on the back M. Salgueso.  I wonder what his faith journey was.  More than one children’s time through the years has featured this colorful cross. 
The little gold cross has my birth stone in the center and was given to me by my beloved husband, Rob.  He has been my strong “bulwark” in my ministry, often sacrificing time, financial resources and recognition to help me follow my call.  Who are the people who make it possible for you to follow your call? 

Of course all these crosses have meaning found in the cross of Christ Jesus.  This makes these lovely pieces of jewelry, like wearing a hangman’s noose or some other weapon of torture and death.  Yet a major portion of our witness is acceptance that Jesus the Author of Life, died that we would have eternal forgiveness of our sins.  “… Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”  Matthew 16:24.  He carried our cross to Calvary.  With his blood he purchased eternal life for all of us. 

So if Jesus has done all the heavy lifting, what does it mean to take up our cross and follow Jesus?  It still means sacrifice.  Here we are in Lent and giving up something is a time honored tradition for Lent, but the sacrifice that Jesus is talking about is giving up one’s life!  If you just keep reading in Matthew, Jesus then says: For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. (verse 25)[1]  This is not the small devotional sacrifice of Lent, such as fasting from food, or specific foods like chocolate, or not using electronic equipment like TVs and computers, or the sacrifice of time and money to a meaningful mission or cause.  This is THE BIG SACRIFICE! This is turning your life over to follow Jesus not just for Lent but every day you have breath.  This is the true meaning about wearing a cross.  I am no longer in charge.  I devote my life to Christ’s mission to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. 

My very first cross was given to me by my father when I was still in grade school.  He never told me the story of why he purchased it.  It was not my birthday, but I can still remember that I was seating on the couch watching TV, when he came home from work and handed it to me.  I am sure something or someone moved him to bring this rhinestone encrusted cross home.  It is especially appropriate for a child; since it has a surprise in the center.  That’s not a stone, but a very small magnifying lens and after more than 50 years you can still see some of the Lord’ Prayer inside.  I am sure he never knew the direction my following Jesus would take me, but he was the first to mark the way.  So I dedicate this blog to my heavenly Father and my earthly Father who worked to together to teach me to carry my cross.  May you too learn to carry your cross and accept Christ’s will for your life.  Amen.

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